Advantages of media buying with steldSSP

Access to live display and mobile web inventory with billions of ad impressions from all
over the world.

Our clients receive highly relevant ad inventory thanks to our advanced targeting
capabilities and cookie matching, which is available with programmatic integration.

Direct integration into steldSSP for digital media buying means first-look opportunity with no
additional fees. Programmatic access through 3rd parties also available. Contact us for

Data safety and UserID synchronization allows advertisers and DSPs to deliver their ad
messages repeatedly and narrowly to the properly targeted users.

Both RTB demand and traditional direct advertising partners are smartly combined at Steld
ad exchange within our generalized auction.

Every traditional or programmatic media buying partner gets an experienced account manager
to ensure all questions are addressed and resolved ASAP.
steldSSP media inventory breakdowns

You get access to TIER1 geos. Top countries and regions are USA, Western
Europe, Canada and UK. About 40% of inventory come from Asia, Australia, Eastern Europe.
City, Region, US States targetings are availabe.

steldSSPs' inventory technological metrics are as follows: desktop ~70%; mobile
web ~30%. Secure SSL inventory ~30%, this share grows constantly. Targetings by Platform,
Device type, OS, etc. are availabe.
* Aggrigated data by Quantcast Measure (tm) and Own Reporting. Numbers may change over the time.
Partnership Solutions

Programmatic Demand Partners
We provide DSPs, exchanges and programmatic trading desks with seamless,
straightforward integration workflow, first-look opportunity, inventory sync started by you
or us (your choice), and the ability to introduce custom solutions on top of standard
OpenRTB and native API. Contact us for more info.

Direct Advertisers and Traditional Ad Networks
As far as you utilize traditional media buying solutions, we are here to
assist, with faster access to steldSSP inventory. A dedicated account manager will help with
setting up your account and uploading your creatives (image, flash, HTML5, JS/iframe ad
tags), and will monitor and optimize your campaign constantly. Reach out to us for details.