The Publisher Acceptable Use Policy is applicable to publishers participating in the Steld SSP . To be considered as a Steld SSP ’s publisher, you are required to adhere to the following policies.
We suggest you read the policies carefully and reference the guidelines often as we may change our policies at any time. As pursuant to our Terms and Conditions, it is your responsibility to keep up to date with and adhere to the policies posted here. Failure to comply with these policies may warrant us limiting ad serving to your site and/or limiting your steld SSP account and/or cause financial penalties to you as the Publisher. Steld SSP may apply all or part of mentioned above measures with or without prior notification on it’s sole and absolute discretion.
General Website Requirements
Steld’s publisher website should have:
- unique and frequently updated content,
- appropriate space on the webpage, reserved for displaying banner ads, and that pre-designed ad space should be able to handle all script types,
- Privacy Policy and Contact Us pages should exist and contain email, address, telephone number,
- professional design, specifically to be visually appealing and presented in a professional manner, to be fully functional at all levels, do not have ”under construction” pages,
- at any time Steld SSP s’ stuff should be able to find it’s ad tags on website’s page.
Steld prohibits ads from displaying on websites:
- made for the sole purpose of clicking on advertisements such as scraper sites,
- proxy sites,
- enabling or permitting piracy,
- that cause interference with user navigation (e.g. preventing a user from leaving a page, by popping dialogs, pop-ups, new windows, etc.),
- that do not appear to function,
- that have no ads on the page.
Traffic Requirements
- Minimum of 10 000 visits per month. However, we do accept sites with less visits on a case by case basis.
- Majority of websites’ visitors should come from US, UK, CA, AU and European countries, or your website should deliver such volume to Steld SSP , using own ad serving solution.
Content Guidelines
Steld SSP prohibits ads from displaying on sites with the following content:
- Any pornographic material, adult material, or mature content including thinly censored nudity. Due to the risk of adult content, we do not allow image hosts or free web hosting services.
- Any offers for illegal activities, products or services.
- Promotion of fake documents, copied material, or paper mills.
- Promotion of drugs, or any related paraphernalia.
- Promotion of excessive profanity or violence.
- Promotion of discrimination or infringes on the legal rights of others.
- Promotion or any attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering that lacks any social, artistic, or political value. This includes any content that may be deemed inappropriate or insensitive to victims of natural disasters or human tragedies.
- Sales or offers that contain certain weapons, alcohol, tobacco, or any related paraphernalia.
- User submitted content that is not moderated.
- Complete website designs and/or copied or otherwise ripped content.
- Content with only a bunch of links to other pages.
- Installs, links to, or prompts the download of any malware.
- An excessive number or density of units.
- Automatically redirects to other sites (except site mirrors).
Encouraging Clicks
Publishers participating in the Steld SSP may not:
- Compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise compensation to a third party for such behavior.
- Encourage users to click the Steld SSP ads using phrases such as “click the ads”, “support us”, “visit these links” or other similar language.
- Direct user attention to the ads using arrows or other graphical gimmicks.
- Format ads so that they become indistinguishable from other content on that page.
- Format site content so that it is difficult to distinguish it from ads.
- Place misleading labels above Steld SSP ads. For instance, ads may be labeled “Sponsored Links” or “Advertisements”, but not “Favorite Sites” or “Today’s Top Offers”.
Invalid Clicks and Impressions
Clicks on Steld ads must result from genuine user interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include, but are not limited to, repeated manual clicks or impressions, automated click and impression generating tools and the use of robots or deceptive software, hidden frames, bots etc.